Learn how to increase your sales through goal planning. Teach employees to be on track with company sales goals.
Plan Your Carpet Cleaning Business for Success
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. You don't begin a journey without a goal in mind. Otherwise, how will you know when you've gotten to where you want to go?
Most business owners make this mistake. Since the carpet cleaning business is very hands on type work, we get so busy we often forget to plan. Someone always needs a last minute cleaning because their dog vomited on their new white carpet. Cool. That's what you're in business for. But take the time to see that your business will prosper.
Do you want to stay where you are? Or, do you want grow? Or, do you want to be more involved in the office and less involved in actual cleaning?
Here are some questions to ask yourself.
How much do I want to increase my profit for next month?
How much do I want to increase my gross sales (total sales)?
How many employees do I need to get the cleaning jobs done?
Tracking your profit is crucial. It doesn't matter if you're doing $100k in sales every month if you're spending $110k to get the sales. Profit is all that matters in the business world. Track it. Set a monthly goal for profit.
Here's a great way to increase gross sales. Pay your employees a bonus if your sales goals are met. Track your sales every day and post your numbers on a marker board. Some entrepreneurs are afraid to give their employees a sales total. But you know what? They're doing it anyway. They can tell how much you're making. Most successful corporations do this. It inspires employees to have a goal for bigger sales. Plus, it makes them feel like they're a part of a group project.
If you run several crews, your crews actually compete against each other to see who has the highest sales for the day. Every crew competes to be the highest producing for the day or week. All the while, you increase your gross sales. It works like magic.
If your employees want to make a set amount of money every week, design a commission or bonus based salary. The plan should be derived in a way that allows your employee to meet their goals and you to meet yours. It's a win-win proposal.
Plan for the right amount of employees. Too many employees can hurt your profit. As well, too few employees can hurt sales. Consider how many employees it will take to get your jobs done efficiently. Later, its goal is to maintain your set amount for next month, the ideal figure of the number of employees.
Plan to win. Set daily, week, monthly, and yearly goals. Let your employees know some of them, but keep some to yourself. If you envision it, you can do it.
John Braun is a marketing strategist with Hitman Advertising. John started his carpet cleaning company while majoring in advertising so he could practice his advertising skills. Now, he teaches cleaners to get the most from their marketing.
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